Friday, February 1, 2013

2012 In a Nut Shell

My new hair cut done in June

Aj and I got me and Grandma matching blankets
that we had to make them ourselves. So we did it
together when she was here in July.

The messes Scooter gets himself into.

I was at my friends house for her bridal shower
and the neighbors dog just sits there all day.

Branden and Kylie just chillin at Mom's

Aj's 80something grandma playing pool with us.

Sarah after her summer shave...before
she got sick

One of Aj's favorite pictures

If you look closely you can see the tip
of her pawn...she looks like ET

Four generations in one picture. Aj's great nephew, Braiden,
was born on Aug. 1

Aj holding Braiden

Sarah, Aj, and Braiden.

Sarah's mothering instinct kicked in...she
would not leave the babies side...if we went
to the kitchen she would follow. She even
had to make sure his car seat was safe.

Aj's niece Tawnya holding her new
baby brother Rawley.
He was born the first week of Sept.

Aj feeding Rawley.

Sarah was so sick she wouldn't even get off
the couch or bed all day long. We had to guide
her outside to go to the bathroom.

On Sept. 4th we woke up to Sarah shaking so bad that it
looked like she was having a seizure. As she was waiting
to be taken outside she was falling over on her right.
Like she was drunk as a skunk. And she kept throwing up
even though she had nothing in her system. That is when
we decided it was time to let her go....One of the hardest
things we had to do. When we got to the vets she urinated
blood. That was another conferrmation we were doing
the right thing. We miss her every single day.

Aj's niece had a baby girl named Mahayla on
 Sept 9. If you are keeping track, Aj's family
grew by 3. 2 boys and a girl within a month.


My pumpkin. No stencils

Kylie came over to trick or treat.

Aj's mom and Mahayla

Can't tell they are cousins can you?????

Aj helping Mahayla decorate the tree

Our friends Rachel and Stephen came over for a xmas
game day.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My first accident...and other random stuff

 So I had picked A.J's mom up from her work in HER van and I was backing into the driveway. Well I didn't notice how close to our blazer I was and CRUNCH....I backed into our mirror with the van. Didn't do any damage at all to our car but I broke the tail light cover. But not the bulb.$50 later it was fixed.

                                          Our dog Sarah thinks she's a lap dog
                                          So you know how I am always hurting myself? Well
                                          my friend suggested that I get put into bubble wrap.
                                          Aj found some at work and brought it home for me.

                                             Aj's niece Cheyenne broke her arm. She thought it
                                              was a good idea to ride her bike down the stairs
                                                       My best friend Rachel and her sister
                                                        when Rachel graduated college
                                                     Aj wearing a green lantern mask

Appy's Wedding

                                                 One of my favorites

                                                      one of the BEST pictures

                                               You know Mom, has to be funny

                                       Justin got Cliff good...and somehow got Appy also


                                                      Happy and Proud Brother

Appy's wedding was beautiful.....she was beautiful. I was so very glad that we were able to be apart of it. It felt like we were kids again....TOGETHER as a family...